If you are interested in joining The Knott Lab please reach out to Dr. Knott.
Professor Knott accepts PhD students through Boston University’s Anthropology Department. Deadlines are typically in December each year. Find out more about Anthropology Graduate Admissions here.
Professor Knott accepts Master’s students through Boston University’s Biology Department. Deadlines are typically in January each year. Find out more about Admissions here.
Professor Knott (Anthropology and Biology) is looking for Undergraduate student volunteers to work on projects involving data from her long-term research project studying the behavioral ecology and conservation of wild orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park, Borneo, Indonesia. There are opportunities to continue working in the lab for many semesters, including applying for BU’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP). Current projects that we need volunteers to work on include processing videos from camera traps (data entry involves identifying animals and coding video) and processing videos of orangutan behavior taken during focal follows in the field (data organization, data entry involves coding orangutan behavior), as well as some general data organization and scanning of datasheets. Ideally students will be interested in biological anthropology, ecology, animal behavior, and/or conservation, but no prior work experience in those fields is necessary. If interested, please email amscott AT bu.edu with a paragraph about your interest and your resume.